Hoopa Valley Tribal News
On this page, you can find the Hoopa Valley Tribe's News outlets, which include the Two Rivers Tribune, the KIDE Radio Station, and the Hoopa Valley Tribal Facebook page. In detail, the blog posts below are taken from the HVT Facebook page, and further below are direct feeds to the Two Rivers Tribune and KIDE Radio Station websites; please click on the title "Two Rivers Tribune" or "KIDE Radio Station" to visit that particular webpage.
Trinity River Flows to Mitigate Spring Chinook Fish Disease Outbreak
Greetings. Please be advised that the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) will begin releasing additional Trinity River water from Lewiston Reservoir starting Sunday, August 1, and continuing through August 4. Attached is…
Read MoreHoopa Valley Tribe Files Lawsuit to Block Federal Water Contracts
Read the full PDF Version Here
Read MoreHoopa Food Sovereignty News
Hoopa Food Sovereignty News – Good habits formed at youth make all the difference! Intertribal Agricultural Council, Students Rebuild and Global Nomads Group are excited to introduce you to Robert…
Read MoreHoopa Tribal 2020 Primary Election
To all Tribal Members, the Hoopa Valley Tribe has officially opened an Election on Thursday, September 19th, 2019. Beginning yesterday, Hoopa Tribal Members may now obtain candidacy papers in the…
Read MoreHoopa Trading Post approaches completion
“Recently, the Office of Self-Governance purchased a mobile butchering station. The station is currently up and running and temporarily housing a Tribal Member’s second pig that they have begun processing.…
Read MoreProgress update on local, Tribal fiber-optic network
The Hoopa Valley Tribe is working with Hunter Communications, Inc. to install a fiber-optic network to departments and entities. This project has been in the works for several years and…
Read MoreWhy the 2020 Census is important
To anyone interested in applying for 2020 Census Jobs, below is a Lost Coast Outpost article detailing some background about the upcoming 2020 Census work opportunities: https://wildrivers.lostcoastoutpost.com/2019/aug/7/need-job-check-us-census-bureau/ As mentioned in…
Read MoreBrief PG&E Announcement
PG&E UPDATE FOR TODAY PG&E has (1) Drone that will be doing an electrical transmission line inspection today in the area on the Maple Creek-Hoopa circuit. This is known as…
Read MoreAbout Hoopa Valley Tribe
We, the Hoopa Valley Tribe, are a Tribal Government dedicated to protecting and promoting the interests of the Hoopa Valley Indians, and cooperating and collaborating with Federal, State, and local Governments.
Hoopa Valley Tribe
11860 State Hwy 96
PO Box 1348
Hoopa, CA 95546
Phone: 530-625-4211
Fax: (530) 625-4594
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Copyright 2003 - 2020 The Hoopa Valley Tribe