First and foremost, we appreciate everyone who was able to attend the recent Neuter Scooter event on December 9th, 2018. Excitingly, the Neuter Scooter team informed us that they successfully neutered 67 pets, and administered 38 rabies vaccines. Thus, we are immensely grateful for the Neuter Scooter organization taking the time to hold this event.

The Hoopa Tribal Police Department highly encourages, whenever practical, usage of neutering and pet vaccination services. We advocate for these services because this will: 1) help reduce the number of strays in residential and downtown areas, 2) diminish the probability of animal diseases spreading, and 3) promote the overall safety of the public and animals.

Lastly, we are presently collaborating with the Neuter Scooter organization to help make these neutering and pet vaccine events more available and accessible. We shall keep the community informed when the next Neuter Scooter is coming to the Hoopa Valley Reservation.

[Shared from the Hoopa Tribal Police Department Facebook Page].