Center Based Program Daily Operation Hours
7:45 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
Children should be at the center by 9:00 & will be declined at 10:00 because it ruins the routine for daily activities for all children.

Early Head Start Staff
Angel Korb Director
Carolyn Ferris Health/Nutrition Specialist
Kimberly Pole Family/Community Partnership Specialist
Misty Knight Education/Disability Specialist
Bonita Thom Mentor Teacher
Lulu Baldy Teacher
Kessie Masten Teacher
Lorelee Jordan Teacher
Dottie Gray Teacher
Jessie Custer Teacher
Ashley Masten Teacher
Alisha Cochran Home Base Teacher
TBA Disability Aide
Jacklin Billings Receptionist

“Cherishing every moment, nurturing every child, educating through love & respect for one’s self, one’s family, one’s tribe and one’s nation.”

Mission Statement
The growth and development of a happy child depends on the educational upbringing of the community. Together we can make a difference in the lives of the children and families that we serve; by providing a safe, healthy, loving, and learning environment through culture, love, respect, and education. We can make a difference in the community.

Policies and Procedures

In order to meet the Head Start Performance Standards and provide equal opportunities for all Early Head Start eligible families, your child must maintain an 85% monthly average. The EHS program understands the everyday obstacles that parents/guardians have when raising children, that is why the EHS staff will provide steps before dropping any enrolled child.
***Contact the center or your home visitor if your child will be absent or you will be unable to keep a home visit***

Center Based Program Closures:
Every effort will be made to notify parents/guardians in advance of scheduled closures, however there may be occurrences which are out of our control due to extreme bad weather, absence of utilities, contagious disease, staff illness, staff shortages or other emergency directive from the administration, tribal chairman, Indian Health Services, or the Office of Head Start. Please have backup childcare in case of these events.

***We publish a monthly newsletter with a calendar of closures and events (subject to change). They are handed out in the classrooms and available at the center upon request. ***

Enrollment Information:

Early Head Start is a year round program. Applications are accepted throughout the program year.

A few items that are needed from you for your child’s file:
Birth Certificate (not the hospital Birth Certificate)
CHDP/Well Baby Check-Up
Lead Screening at age 12 months and at 2 years of age
TB Screening
Hearing Screening
Vision Screening
Dental Screening
Immunization Record
Social Security Number
Income Verification

Listed below are a few items needed to bring to class with your child:
Blanket—for naptime and comfort
Change of clothes—in case of accidents and messy projects
Extra shoes during summer months for water play

Please do not bring:
Sugary snacks or foods
Electronic devices including DVD players and Video Games
Personal toys

These items can cause conflicts between children and sugary snacks are not approved.

Possible Risks for Center Based

The staff at Early Head Start take every precaution to provide the children in our care with a safe and healthy learning environment. It is however important for you as the parent to be aware of the possible risks to your child while attending a center based program. These risks include injury due to accidents and/ or incidents with other children, as well as exposure to common illnesses.

Some of the accidents that may happen include, but are not limited to, falls resulting in bumps, bruises and other injuries. Due to the age of our children, it is common for them to fall as they are learning to walk and develop their sense of balance. We encourage them to develop their large muscles and improve their sense of balance, by providing them with developmentally appropriate activities on a daily basis. Although monitored, accidents still happen.

Incidents involving other children is also common. Some of the incidents include, but is not limited to: biting, hitting, scratching, pinching, and pushing. As an educational program it is the staffs responsibility to work with any child and their family when they are demonstrating challenging behaviors in the classroom. Expelling a child between the ages of 0 to 3 for such incidents is not developmentally appropriate practice, and does not provide social emotional guidance for that child.

Children who attend a center based program run the risk of being exposed to a contagious illness. Some of the common childhood illnesses include ( but are not limited to) Infectious Diarrhea, Chick pox, colds, Croup, Fifth disease, Flu, Hand Foot and Mouth disease, Lice, Mononucleosis, Pink eye, Ring worm, RSV, Scabies, Strep/scarlet fever, Viral Gastroenteritis( Stomach flu). Staff are required to follow health and safety procedures to help prevent the spread of these illnesses, but often the contagious period is before signs and symptoms are present. Children who are suspected of having these illnesses are removed (sent home) as soon as possible. Some illnesses require a release from a doctor before they are allowed to return to the center.

Policies and Procedures

No Nit Policy:
The EHS center has a no nit policy. Parents/Guardians will be notified and asked to pick-up their child. The child may return to school on the date that the exclusion form provides.

Parents/Guardians of a child in the EHS center who is running a low grade fever or has other symptoms such as lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, excessive coughing, or infected sores will be contacted to pick-up their child immediately. This is to ensure the health and safety of all the children and staff at the center.

Medication Policy:
Prescribed and over-the-counter medications, including creams, and ointments, must be ordered by a physician. EHS has a form that must be completed by the physician. Medications will be administered by approved staff and/or parents/guardians only.

Food Allergies:
Food allergies must be documented by a physician. EHS will be unable to make exceptions to our menu unless we have a physician’s order.

Opportunities to Participate:

*Volunteer in the classroom:
You are always welcome to come and spend time in the classrooms. We especially appreciate any cultural activities and experiences you may wish to contribute!

*Policy Council:
The parents are empowered to elect a representative from their child’s classrooms to serve a one-year term (up to 5 terms) on the Hoopa Tribal Early EHS/HS Policy Council. The Policy Council, Education Board, Tribal Council, and EHS/HS director’s share the responsibility for the development and approval of major policies & procedures that affect the programs. In addition to the implementation of established program Services Plans, and School Readiness goals/objectives at the grantee level.

*Parent Meetings:
Meetings are held as needed. Come and share your opinions. We want your input!

Prenatal Home Based Program Option

A healthy pregnancy has a direct influence on the health and development of a newborn child. EHS strives to have the greatest impact on participating children by offering supportive services as early in life as possible. The prenatal period of growth and development has a lasting impact on the child’s potential for healthy growth and development after birth. Early, continuous supports and services provide the best opportunity for:
* healthy pregnancies and positive childbirth outcomes;
* supportive postpartum care for the parents and child;
* fully involving fathers in the lives of their very young children; and
* nurturing and responsive care during infancy.

Prenatal Home Visits
These visits are very flexible. Our staff will come to your home for visits of varied time and frequency, as determined by need and interest, to provide education related to the following topics:
* fetal development, including the risks from smoking and alcohol;
* labor and delivery;
* postpartum recovery, including information on maternal depression; and
* the benefits of breastfeeding.
* other topics that may affect the health and well-being of mother and child
During these visits you will establish family partnership goals (see pg 9).

Prenatal Class
Prenatal classes provide pregnant women with the opportunity to meet in a group setting, learn about topics related to healthy pregnancies and also give the option to discuss issues or concerns with a qualified consultant.
This class meets weekly for six weeks and is recommended but optional.

Please note that we have additional policies and procedures. Also, the policies and procedures found in this section are summaries. We have a complete version of our policies and procedures available at the center for your reference.
Policies and Procedures

Medical and Developmental Screenings:
Upon enrollment into the Early Head Start program, you have 45 days to complete a routine physical examination, dental exam, and vision/hearing screening, for your child. Teachers will complete developmental screenings. We encourage all parents/guardians to take advantage of these screenings for your child’s good health and well being.

The Early Head Start program has created a Confidentiality Contract for all employees, volunteers, consultants, and policy council members who are working with or working on issues dealing with any child/children and/or families enrolled in the Early Head Start program. This contract is to protect information or issues dealing with the enrolled children and their families. Failure to follow the terms of this agreement will be pursuant to the Tribal Personnel Policies and Hoopa Tribal Early Head Start Policy and Procedures.

Access to Child Files:
The following may have access to your child’s file:
Center Based Teachers
Administrative Staff
Tribal and Federal Review Teams

Child Abuse and Neglect:
All Early Head Start employees are mandated by law to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the proper authorities in accordance with the Humboldt County Mandated Reporter Laws.

The Hoopa Tribal Early Head Start is a comprehensive child development program that provides services primarily to low-income infants, toddlers, pregnant women and their families. The Early Head Start program’s primary goal is to enhance enrolled infants and toddlers physical, social, emotional, intellectual development, and school readiness. In addition, we also promote prenatal women with access to comprehensive prenatal and postpartum health care, advice, and prenatal education through home visits and collaborative partnerships with K’ima:w Medical Centers Prenatal program.
To help children feel comfortable and trust their environment and adults that care for them, make connections with teachers and classmates, and feel an accepted part of the group.
To help children experience a sense of safety and security, independence, self-confidence, pride, and have a positive attitude towards learning and school.
To help children develop learning skills such as the ability to solve problems, explore their environment, make observations, and express needs and feelings.
To help children discover what their bodies can do and be in control of their large and small muscles.
School Readiness & Parent Engagement:
The Head Start Approach to School Readiness means that children are ready for school, families are ready to support their children’s learning, and schools are ready for children. The expectations of children’s status and progress across the 9 domain areas of language, literacy development, cognition, general knowledge, approaches to learning, physical health, well-being, motor development, and social & emotional development that will improve school readiness for children.

EHS Overview
Policies and Procedures

Parent/Community Complaint Policy:
It is the position of Hoopa Tribal Early Head Start program that members of the community of the Hoopa Valley Reservation have the right to present written complaints and/or concerns regarding the conduct of the program. The person filing a written concern or comment shall be free from restraint, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.

In the event that a concern/comment is to be filed the party involved will follow the steps below:

Step 1: The person who has the concern or comment will be given the Parent/Community Complaint Form in order to document their issue.

Step 2: The form will then be given to the staff member and immediate supervisor with whom the concern/comment is regarding (See Organizational attached chart).

Step 3: The form will be forwarded to the Program Director, who will then meet with the immediate supervisor and/or the staff member with whom the complaint is filed.

Step 4: The program Director or designee will contact the parent or community member in regard to the concern or comment with a letter explaining what steps were taken to resolve the issue (with regard to the staff’s confidentiality) within 10 days. If the person with whom the complaint lies, feels the need to schedule a meeting to further address the concern, a meeting will be scheduled in order to try and resolve the issue.

Step 5: If the issue is still not resolved to the satisfaction of the parent/community member he/she can request a meeting with the Education Director.

Step 6: If the community member is still not satisfied with the Education Directors response he/she has the right to request an executive session meeting with the Education Board at which point a resolution should be determined. The decision of the Education Board is final.

Any complaints that do not follow the specific programs Chain of Command will be rejected! The Organizational Chart is located on p. 21 & 22 of this book.
Policies and Procedures

Transition Policy:
In order to provide continuity of services for children turning three, the Early Head Start (EHS) program may begin transitioning children as early as 33 months (2.9) into neighboring programs (when age appropriate and with parental permission). According to the regulations the EHS program can only keep a child until their 3rd birthday. In the case of a child diagnosed with a disability (or the process has been initiated) the EHS program may hold on to the child if determined by the IFSP team. See alternate Steps for children with disabilities.

In accordance with the Head Start Program Performance Standards and the Early Head Start Transition process, the Education Specialist, Family Community Partnership Specialist (FCP) or designee will start the transition process for enrolled prenatal women and children 6 months prior to their transitioning to another option or program. All transitioning activities will be documented on the transition plan.

Step 1: The Education Specialist, FCPS, or designee will schedule a transition meeting with parents six months prior to the transitioning at which time the transition plan will be initiated.

Step 2: After the plan is developed transitioning activities will be implemented in accordance with the child’s transition plan until completion of process or the child is aged out of the program.

Step 3: Parents have the option to sign a release of information to transfer pertinent child records.

Alternate Steps for children with disabilities:
Step 1: Transitioning for children diagnosed with a disability will be determined by the child’s IFSP team.

Step 2: If the IFSP team determines that placement is not appropriate for the child, the Early Head Start may hold on to the child up to an additional 3 months (39 months old).

Center Based Option

Early Head Start center based program option supports children through the full day program options. The center provides mobile infants and toddlers a safe, nurturing, and secure learning environment that helps to develop the awareness, skills, and confidence needed to succeed in school and life.

The Center:
The facility has three classrooms with two teachers in each. The first classroom is for children approximately 10-18 months, the second for children approximately 19-27 months, the third for children approximately 28-36 months. The ages of children in each classroom vary since movement of children from one classroom to the next depends upon spots opening as children age out of our program. Children age out one at a time as they turn three and find spots in preschool programs such as Head Start and Child Development. Early Head Start provides transition plans and support as children move from our program to preschool programs.

Teaching staff create whole class, small group, and individualized curriculum (learning activities) for optimal child development outcomes during this period of rapid growth. Curriculum is developed from a variety of sources including parent input, the Creative Curriculum, HS Early Learning Outcomes Framework, School Readiness goals, aggregations, and parent family engagement. Activities are designed to support physical development and health, social and emotional development, language and literacy development, cognition and general knowledge, and approaches to learning in accordance with the school readiness guidelines.

Parent Conferences and other services:
Parent/Teacher conferences are held twice a year (or as needed) and parents are encouraged to participate in their child’s learning experiences by sharing observations and goals they have in mind for their child. Dental, vision, and hearing screenings are occasionally provided at the center. Also, referrals for additional developmental assessments and services may be available.

Services to Children with Special Needs

The Early Head Start has two Part C partner’s, Redwood Coast Regional Center and Humboldt County Office of Education.

Redwood Coast Regional Center (RCRC) provides two programs for children from birth to 36 months of age: Early Start and Prevention. Both programs are voluntary, tax-funded partnerships between parents and community professionals to support the development of children from birth to 36 months. Upon referral, children are evaluated to determine if eligible for either program.
Children from birth to 36 months of age are eligible for Early Start by meeting ONE of the following eligibility criteria:

Under 24 months of age with a 33% delay in one developmental area (either cognitive, physical, including gross and fine motor, communication, social/emotional and/or adaptive) OR
24 months and older with 33% delay in two developmental areas or 50% delay in one developmental area OR
Any age up to 3rd birthday, with an established risk condition of known etiology with high probability of delay

Early Start services are based on the child’s assessed developmental needs and family concerns and priorities, and include service coordination and help accessing community resources, developmental assessment/intervention, physical/occupational/speech and language assessment and therapy, family training and home visits.

Children from birth to 36 months of age are eligible for Prevention by meeting ONE of the following eligibility criteria:

Two or more eligible biomedical risk factors OR
24 – 36 months of age with a 33 – 49% delay in one or more developmental areas OR
Child of a parent with a diagnosed developmental disability

Prevention services include intake, assessment, developmental monitoring and guidance, case management and community resource referral.

Kitchen Staff
Geraldine Moon Cook
Jesselynn Peters Assistant Cook
TBA Food Prep Assistant
Substitute Teachers Always recruiting

Home Based Program Option

Early Head Start home-based program option supports families through home visits and group socialization experiences. These services are provided to support and strengthen the relationships between infants, toddlers, and their parents. The strength and quality of these relationships are essential for optimal child development outcomes during this period of rapid growth.

Home Visits:
Families receive Early Head Start services in the comfort of their own homes. Once a week a visitor will come into your home (or desired location for visits) for a minimum of 1 1/2 hours and work with you and your child on activities that will help stimulate their knowledge and development.

Parents are given opportunities on a weekly basis to select goals for their child to work on and the home visitor helps in that development process. The home visitor then researches topics that would help in the development of the selected goal, and writes a lesson for the next week including materials and activities. Screenings and assessments also play a big role in the development of goals.

Each month two socializations are provided for the families. Educational activities, parent meetings, parent trainings, meals and snacks, are some of the things provided during socialization. Socialization activities provide opportunities for the parent and child to interact with other parents and children. Socializations also give parents a chance to volunteer their time and any curriculum ideas they may have with all children participating at the socializations.

Family and Community Partnerships

The goal of Family and Community Partnerships is to support parents as they identify and meet their own goals, nurture the development of their children in the context of their family and culture, and advocate for communities that are supportive of children and families of all cultures. Early Head Start and Head Start offers parents opportunities and support for growth, so that they can identify their own strengths, needs and interests, and find their own solutions.

Family Partnership Agreement

All families in our home based, center based, and prenatal home based program options work with our staff to a look at those things you would like to accomplish in your life or things you would like to finish that you have not had the time or the resources to accomplish. A Family Partnership Agreement is a plan that you will develop (voluntarily) throughout the program year which will assist you in developing both long and short term goals you or your family may have.

Please note that we have additional policies and procedures. Also, the policies and procedures found in this section are summaries. We have a complete version of our policies and procedures available at the center for your reference.
Please note that we have additional policies and procedures. Also, the policies and procedures found in this section are summaries. We have a complete version of our policies and procedures available at the center for your reference.
Program Design and Management

The Hoopa Tribal Early Head Start Program is required to provide services to children and families in accordance with the Head Start Act of 2007 and the Revised Head Start Program Performances standards 45CFR Chapter XIII released September 1, 2016.

Head Start Program Performance Standards Requirements:
-1301.6 Program Governance
-1302.103 Program Operations
Subpart A: Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance (ERSEA)
Subpart B: Program Structure
Subpart C: Education and Child Development Program Services
Subpart D: Health Program Services
Subpart E: Family and Community Engagement Program Services
Subpart F: Additional Services for Children with Disabilities
Subpart G: Transition Services
Subpart H: Services to Enrolled Pregnant women
Subpart I: Human Resources Management
Subpart J: Program Management and Quality Improvement
1303-1303.75 Financial and Administrative Requirements
Subpart A: Financial Requirements
Subpart B: Administrative Requirements
Subpart C: Protections for the Privacy of Child Records
Subpart D: Delegation of Program Operations
Subpart E: Facilities
Subpart F: Transportation
1304-1304.32 Federal Administrative Procedures
Subpart A: Monitoring, Suspension, Termination, Denial of Refunding, Reduction in Funding, and Appeals
Subpart B: Designation Renewal
Subpart C: Selection of Grantees through Competition
Subpart D: Replacement of American Indian and Alaska Native Grantees
Subpart E: Head Start Fellows Program
1305-1305.2 Definitions

P.O. Box 939
777 Loop Road
Hoopa Ca. 95546
(530) 625-1609 (P)(530) 625-1095 (F)

What are My Rights & Responsibilities as an Early Head Start Parent?

Your right & responsibilities include but are not limited to:

Parent Responsibilities
>Engaging in the classroom environment and with teaching staff
>Attending Policy Council and Parent meetings
>Making suggestions for your child’s learning experiences
>Development and Engagement in the Family Partnership Agreement process
>Taking part in trainings offered by our program
>Contributing to the monthly newsletter
>Giving notice if your child is going to be absent
>To pick up your child when notified by EHS staff that they are ill
>Writing/contacting the director or education specialist if you are dissatisfied with anything

Center Based Responsibilities
>To understand that the parent is the primary educator of their child
>To help select reasonable family goals which are achievable within the EHS experience
>To give timely notification to the parents when the center will be closed due to unexpected circumstances (when possible)
>To hold parent meetings and events for parent/guardian participation
>To work with parents/guardians to make sure medical, dental, and visual screenings are completed within the 45 day deadline
>To allow opportunities for parents/guardians to engage in their child’s educational experiences for optimal growth and development of their child
>To encourage parent/guardian participation and engagement in program activities

Revised 03/27/2018

About Hoopa Valley Tribe

We, the Hoopa Valley Tribe, are a Tribal Government dedicated to protecting and promoting the interests of the Hoopa Valley Indians, and cooperating and collaborating with Federal, State, and local Governments.


Hoopa Valley Tribe

11860 State Hwy 96

PO Box 1348

Hoopa, CA 95546

Phone: 530-625-4211

Fax: (530) 625-4594

Follow Us:

Copyright 2003 - 2020 The Hoopa Valley Tribe