KTJUSD Hoopa Elementary School facilitates Coding Camp

Benefits from learning to code
Hoopa Elementary School, Hoopa, CA: Since technology is becoming more advanced, it makes sense to encourage students to learn about coding.
Besides, not only does coding allow students to create things with programming, there are other benefits like mathematics skills. Considering that mathematics exists in most professions, our students gain a lot by learning to program.
As reported by a Fresno Pacific University article, some benefits gained from programming include things like:
To be able to recognize patterns and solve problems are useful for students to apply in many situations. Our students will encounter problems that do not have obvious solutions. Thus it’s crucial to learn how to apply logic and pattern recognization, among other skills.
In a community where we depend on others for food, education, and housing, students need to be able to work with each other. Our students can also learn from their teammates’ experiences to grow their perspectives.
With some of these benefits, it is clear why a coding camp can help students. That said, let’s take a brief look at the background for the HES Coding Camp 2019.
Enter the Hoopa Elementary School
Some staff from the Hoopa Elementary School approached us about writing something brief about their coding camp. We agreed because we think it’s a great idea to cover local news when we can do so.

After that, we want to share some photos from the recent coding camp at the Hoopa Elementary School. With the importance of computers, learning more about coding languages will likely be beneficial to these students’ overall education.
Not to mention, it’s incredible that these students engaged in making computers. Above all, building something can teach people a lot about how it works at a basic level.
In conclusion, we look forward to hearing about whether school staff will host more coding opportunities. Thanks again to the school team that shared these photos with us!
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